"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes."-Marcel Proust
Education does not start and stop at the threshold of the classroom. I want my students to recognize that everywhere they
go and that in everything they do, there is something to be learned. I want to help my students develop their own way of looking
at the world. In facilitating each students "voyage of discovery" I cannot hope to teach them everything they need
to know, rather I hope to teach them how to be lifelong learners. This approach connects education to the lives of the students
by giving them problem-solving skills that they can carry with them beyond the classroom.
"What is to give light must endure burning."-Viktor Frankl
I understand the frustrations that can be associated with new subject matter. I want my students to be uncomfortable in my
classes so they are truly in the proximal zone of development. I also know that the frustrations associated with positive
learning environments can turn into negative experiences for the learner. I wish to walk this line in my classroom and carefully
guide my students as they struggle with their development. I cannot wait for the day when I see the light go off in their
eyes and know that they truly understand.
"A great teacher never strives to explain her vision; she simply invites you to stand beside her and see for yourself."-The
Rev. R. Inman
The best learning occurs when the learner sees for him/herself. It is easy to teach to the test and have no expectations for
your students. It is harder to teach the students to see and do for themselves. My vision is that my students will become
independent thinkers and will learn to see for themselves.
"True teachers use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross; then, having facilitated their
crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own."-Nikos Kazantzakis
Education is about relationships that start from day one. As an educator, I use my own experiences and knowledge to catch
my students' interests and develop relationships with them. Once I have taken my students as far as I can, I am free to sit
back and guide them as they continue to develop their interests and build bridges of their own.