James H. Wilson III
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Personal Background

I am originally from south Louisiana. I have lived in many states across our country from Hawaii to Florida.  I have circumnavigated the globe and lived in China.

I am in general a well rounded individual.  In terms of education, I received my Bachelor's degree from Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa. I majored in Geology and Secondary Education with certification in Earth/Space Science, Broadfield Science, and Physical Science.  I received my Master's Degree from Mississippi State University in Geoscience...but what is education without the rest of life?
As I mentioned above I lived in China.  I was able to travel within China quite a bit.  I also traveled to various destinations in SE Asia and numerous locations in Europe.  I went back to China in 2006 to adopt my daughter.  My family is discussing future trips to China to take my daughter back to visit the country where she was born.
I am an accomplished musician having contributed to recordings instrumentally and/or vocally many times. I was once hired as a studio musician to record an album in a Chicago studio.  I have toured the mid-west and played as far away as Los Angeles.  I'm a great photographer...atleast that is what I am told.  I was once offered a full ride scholarship if I majored in photography but I declined it.  Right now, I'd like to have the ability to fund another body and some nicer lenses.  I use what I have to its limits and am able to produce work that people seem to love. I mainly shoot kids, old kids, young kids, babies, newborns, families.  I've done some high school seniors.  I'd really like to find someone who would allow me to shoot a "birth story".  I mainly shoot for friends and family and have done it for free so far.  People keep telling me I should charge but I don't.
From 2001 through 2005 I taught at a high school in Madison, Wisconsin.  I made the tough decision to leave teaching while completing my Master's Degree.  I was lured away to the private sector and initially worked for an Environmental Consulting firm and later for an oilfield services company drilling Oil and Natural Gas wells.
Over the past few years I have had numerous opportunities to work with young children through volunteering at day care facilities and an elementary school.  Having been around all of my nieces and nephews and my own children and now more children at the schools I have learned how much I love being around and working with children.  I feel that on a certain level I relate to them better that I do older students.  I also feel very well adapted to working with children.  I can't quite put a finger on it but it's as if my sense of humor and in a way the essence of my being have come to be most well suited for working with younger kids.
After working in the private sector for a period I have made the decision to return to teaching.  I feel that the classroom is where I can best serve humanity.  I am certified secondary but I'd sure love someone to take a flier on me and hire me for an elementary position while I work toward certification. Honestly, the odds are stacked in your favor you just need to call me.  Don't think about it, just do it.  Someone is going to get me.  Let it be you, you'll be glad you did.